Welcome to this Federated Wiki site - **Infrastructuring the living economy**. Here we develop a methodological frame on commoning, formacion, dual power, the design of tools, and infrastructuring of radical formations.
About us . .
Writer, culture hacker, designer-maker, anthropologist . . I'm from Venus, what is it you do round here? aka barefoot doc. Here's some story, some reflections, some back catalogue
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This is where I develop work in progress towards a cluster of formacion coops - a venture following the vision of Robin Murray in **making the living economy**. It exploits the new thinking of the **DisCO governance model** for distributed, commons-oriented coops and aims for a radical co-produced infrastructuring of **tools for conviviality** in activist practice.
Production was a central orientation in Robin Murray’s practice, and 'formacion' was a significant variant of this - especially in the latter part of his life, with **Synergia**, **Schumacher College** & **the Coop University**. But it's not something he addressed much on the page. This chapter makes an attempt at that.
The foprop weave is a frame for a pattern language of activist life. foprop engages three **landscapes** of practice which stand in an intimate, inseparable relationship with one another. It recognises four **zones** of proximity and reach. The three landscapes and four zones constitute 'the weave'.
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