Here we develop a methodological frame on commoning, formacion, dual power, the design of tools, and infrastructuring of radical formations.
This draws largely on insights emerging in a network of friends and collaborators of economist Robin Murray. Also on dialogues with Stacco Troncoso of the Guerrilla Media Collective, around the DisCO governance model (Distributed Cooperative Organisation), and Bob Haugen and Lynn Foster, around the valueflows ontology and apps toolset.
For convenience, a collated set of six schemas from this wiki is available here pdf
> There is an incomplete rough draft of a proposal for a cluster of formacion coops (not to be cited) which existed before this approach here was started. The proposal will need to be quite thoroughly refactored in the light of work now done here. But here's the draft pdf
> That draft is also in a wiki. But even less developed than the pdf version. It's here wiki
This presentation proceeds as follows . .
Here we give background on the relationship between Robin Murray’s work, the DisCO model and work in progress on a proposal for a federated cluster of formacion coops: a College of Conviviality - *conviv.
Here we highlight what kinds of convergence there are in these two developments. I see the DisCO project and *conviv as evolutionary architectures for practices of coop/commons formacion and infrastructuring.
Here we outline a 'work-oriented design' relationship between pattern language, the basic activities of commoning and infrastructuring practices with tools.
Here we outline a curriculum of formacion for the college of conviviality, and begin to map it into a ‘cutting list’ of tools to be infrastructured in building the college.
Here we compare methodology (project design) in the DisCO project and the project of developing (designing) a proposal for the \*conviv cluster of DisCOs.
Metaphors of dancing and animated movement run right the way through the design of the college, and through the pattern language of making the living economy which is its core and rationale. Here we outline the most prominent dance metaphors.
Here we summarise leading relations of production in \*conviv.
Here we characterise the ‘Robinista’ *structure of feeling* that informs \*conviv as a venture of formacion.